The 1st day of Muharram is the Hijri New Year holiday for the year 1446 AH in the federal government
The Federal Authority for Government Human Resources (FAHR) issued a Circular to all ministries and federal entities regarding the Hijri New Year holiday in the federal government for the year 1446 AH.
Based on the Cabinet’s Decision regarding the approved official holiday agenda for the government and private sectors in the country for the year 2024, the Hijri New Year holiday, in the federal government, will be on the first day of Muharram, the same day corresponding to this date in the Gregorian calendar.
On this occasion, FAHR congratulated the leadership, government and people, residents of the United Arab Emirates and both Arab and Muslim nations, praying for Allah the Almighty to return this occasion to them with all blessings, good health and well-being.
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