“FAHR” creates new jobs and paths for the Digital Cadre in the Federal Government

13 May 2024

The Federal Authority for Government Human Resources (FAHR) announced that it had completed its update of the Federal Digital Cadre Initiative, which included updating the Information Technology Family at the level of ministries and federal entities, so that its new name became (Digital Technology, Data and Information), and expanding its scope to involve 9 new and updated sub-functional groups: (Artificial Intelligence, Data Science, Cybersecurity, Technical Project Management, Technical Support, Digital Governance, Quality Assurance, Service Design and Implementation, and Infrastructure). It includes 27 career paths encompassing 117 positions.

“FAHR” creates new jobs and paths for the Digital Cadre in the Federal Government
“FAHR” creates new jobs and paths for the Digital Cadre in the Federal Government

In this regard, H.E Laila Obaid Al Suwaidi, Director General of FAHR, confirmed that this update comes as a part of the Federal Digital Cadre Initiative, which was launched by FAHR recently, involving (updating the information technology family, updating job descriptions for new jobs, and assessing and training employees to ensure they have the required skills), through obtaining accredited training and professional programs.

She stated that the “Authority” is carrying on updating paths and jobs, in collaboration with its strategic partners, in order to keep pace with rapid technological developments, enhance the competitiveness of national cadres, attract the best talents to the federal government, and ensure preservation and development of them, within certain specialized paths, aiming to keep pace with future skills and rapid changes in the work environment.

Innovative Solutions

Maryam Al Zarooni, Director of the Government Human Resources Planning Department at FAHR, said: “The Digital Cadre Initiative in the federal government comes as a part of the tireless efforts exerted by FAHR to find innovative solutions for some of the challenges facing human resources specialized in the digital field in the federal government”.

She indicated that FAHR had been working to develop the paths of the new digital staff initiative in partnership with the Telecommunications & Digital Government Regulatory Authority, the Office of the Minister of State for Artificial Intelligence, the Digital Economy and Remote Work Applications, and the Cybersecurity Council.

Studies and Comparisons

The update of the Digital Technology, Data and Information Family was based on in-depth analytical studies conducted by FAHR regarding the reality of the digital workforce, standard comparisons to determine the best global practices in this field, and consultative sessions with partners, managers and officers of human resources and information technology in the relevant ministries and federal entities, in order to identify the challenges and take into account their views and suggestions for improvement.


It is noteworthy that the Federal Authority for Government Human Resources (FAHR) held specialized workshops, in presence of human resources managers and officers in ministries and federal entities, to explain the initiative, details of the new Digital Technology, Data and Information Family, the sub-families emerging from it, as well as the jobs and paths that it comprises.

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