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The Federal Authority for Government Human Resources: Employee Mental Health and Quality of Life is a Priority

Tuesday November 22, 2022

The Federal Authority for Government Human Resources (FAHR) considers the mental health of federal government employees a top priority. As such, the Authority has launched several initiatives and projects that support this idea and approach based on its firm belief that this matter is a priority for the United Arab Emirates considering the strong connection between mental and physical health.

Based on its interest in the issue of mental health, the Authority has dedicated the World Mental Health Day, which falls on the 10th of October, to hold a series of events and sessions that focus on enhancing the mental and moral health of the federal government employees. These events and sessions are held under the title "The Employee's Quality of Life" and serve hundreds of employees. They were organized in cooperation with many psychological and community support centers and institutions, such as Life Works, "Hakini" platform, and "Takalam" platform.

The highlight of this day was the Authority's launch of its Guide to Promoting Positive Mental Health in the Workplace in cooperation with the Ministry of Community Development which aims to help officials at ministries and federal entities to improve their employees' quality of life and enhance the government work environment to become more positive, happy and productive.

The Guide's launch comes in line with the visions and aspirations of our leadership which aim at improving and raising the standards of quality of life. The UAE is unique in its focus on the mental and moral health of the members of society, which is evident in the qualitative measures, policies and initiatives launched by the state to enhance the well-being and quality of life of the community members, help them take care of their mental health, and secure a decent life.

The Authority also intends to launch a series of periodic educational electronic bulletins for federal government employees on the importance of mental health through the Human Resources Management Information System in the Federal Government "Bayanati" as well as through the Authority's accounts on social media. The bulletins will include tips and instructions for employees and officials on how to create a positive work environment that enhances mental health and achieves balance between personal and professional life to positively influence the employees' productivity and wellbeing.


Salwa Abdallah

Director of the Projects and Programs Department

The Federal Authority for Government Human Resources
