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Red Crescent familiarises FAHR employees with the concept of volunteerism

Tuesday June 13, 2017

In collaboration with the UAE Red Crescent Authority, FAHRT recently held an awareness workshop for its employees under the slogan "Do the right thing. Volunteer and make a difference", in an effort to strengthen the culture and values of volunteering and to raise awareness about the importance of community service in general.

The employees were introduced to the basics of volunteering, and how volunteers can help others regardless of their religion, race and gender, thus contributing in social solidarity.

The workshop tackled the most important objectives of volunteering, including: promoting social integration, mobilizing human energy, towards humanitarian action and social work, and strengthening human relations between individuals and groups.

The workshop highlighted the moral benefits volunteers can gain through participation in community-based initiatives. The most important of these are feeling the value of work done, increasing self-confidence and self-esteem, developing personal experiences and skills, boosting the sense of loyalty and belonging to the homeland, and spending leisure time in useful things.

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