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Feedback Ecosystem

Feedback Ecosystem plays a very crucial role in Capability assessment and could be part of overall developmental process.

Structured feedback mechanisms encourages receiving opinions and comments on performance and seek to benefit from valuable inputs from varied stakeholders contribution, not only from direct supervisor or superiors management but also includes the contribution of Colleagues from same job level, Subordinates, Customers, Suppliers & others ...

Qudaraat - Feedback Ecosystem

There are many "Feedback / Assessment Tools" hat can be applied at employee as well as work team or department level. To define gaps between desired reality vs perceptions, which reflects the first step towards assessing and improving the efficiency of a department or work team or individual.

As part of coordination role FAHR has initially evaluated various tools available in market and selected the following external assessment providers as " Elite Partners ".

Mentis (Assessments & Reports Tools)

Assessments Tools:

  • HPI - Hogan Personality Inventory: Normal Personality as it relates to success in a job or career.
  • HDS - Hogan Development Survey: Eleven patterns of behavior that can lead to career derailment.
  • MVPI - Motives, Values, Preferences Inventory: Core values related to organization fit and leadership environment.
  • HBRI - Hogan Business Reasoning Inventory: Tactical and strategic reasoning as it relates to decision making.

Reports Tools:

  • For Make Informed hiring decision: Hogan SELECT - Advantage Report- Express Report.
  • For Develop key talent: Hogan DEVELOP - Compass Report - Career Report - Insight Report - EQ Report.
  • For Take leadership to the next level: Hogan LEAD - Potential Report - Challenge Report - Values Report - Values Report - Coaching Report - Summary Report - High Potential.
  • For Business related measure of cognitive ability (Strategic-Tactical-Critical) reasoning: HRBI Report.
  • For Non-verbal test that measures general mental ability, GMA: MATRIGMA Report.

AQR (Assessments Tools)

  • MTQ48 – Assessment of Mental Toughness: Mental Toughness concept embraces four elements : (Control : Emotional Control and Life Control , Commitment , Challenge , Confidence : Confidence in Abilities and Interpersonal Confidence).
  • ILM72 - Integrated Leadership Measure: ILM72 assesses two important elements (Leadership Style - Leadership Effectiveness in terms of Leadership behaviour).
  • Prevue – Big 5 Psychometric Measure: Prevue is a composite instrument, which incorporates measures of personality, ability and interest.
  • Carrus - Career Management Psychometric Measure: Carrus identifies the qualities that individuals should develop and demonstrate that will, both, prepare them best for the world of work and enhance their employability.
  • 360 Performance Evaluation: The 360 Assessment is a confidential, on line appraisal system that gives the opportunity to provide feedback on the performance of an individual against behaviour statements.
  • LTI - Leadership Trust Index: LTI shows that the extent to which staff trust managers and leaders is a significant factor in the performance of the organization.

Cut-e (Assessments Tools)

  • Shapes: personality questionnaire measures those personality dimensions which are seen as important and will increase the quality of your HR decisions, it based on a personality model that comprises 18 dimensions. It is an adaptive, short, candidate-friendly and competency-based questionnaire enabling the user to select the most relevant competencies to assess such as (Personality questionnaires - Basic - Graduate - Sales - Expert - Management - Executive).
  • Squares - integrity test by measurement of behavioral tendencies: it describes the behaviors of a person rather than his or her personality traits, also helps to predict those behaviors which are seen to be counterproductive within a work context and those that may impact on safety. squares also is efficient at predicting tenure.
  • Views - measurement of interests and motives: these questionnaire reliably and effectively identifies the motives and values of employees or applicants and helps to assess the cultural fit and alignment with the corporate values and the motivation structure, it is also useful in the development planning of current employees as well as informing succession planning.
  • Scales: these tests measure aptitude or ability. Different tools are designed for different target groups, levels and type of aptitude needed such as (Ability Tests - Verbal - Abstract - Numerical - Cognitive - Special Knowledge - Proficiency).
  • 360 feedback - Performance Evaluation: this offers a both a highly flexible and comprehensive 360° and 180° feedback process as well as the relevant behavioral questionnaires. Questionnaires can be designed to incorporate an already-established corporate competency model.
  • SJQ - Situational Judgement Questionnaires: these questionnaires are unique and job specific, they consist of a number of scenario-based questions that ask candidates to indicate how they would behave in specific work-related situations. The test is validated by identifying behaviors typical of high performing current employees.
  • Skills Tests: a range of over 200 skills tests including MS Office, General Secretarial, Office Support and Administration, Call Center, IT & Technology, Accountancy and tests for foreign languages.

Cubiks (Assessments Tools)

  • PAPI - Personality and Preference Inventory: personality assessment specifically designed to elicit behaviours and preferences which are appropriate to the workplace, offering insight to help employers understand how people work and what motivates them.
  • CBIG - Competency Based Interview Guide: directly linked to an individual’s responses to the PAPI questionnaire, allowing interview questions to be generated in order to explore the individual’s suitability for a role.
  • RfB-Reasoning for Business Ability Tests: questions in RfB tests have been designed to be broadly reflective of the reasoning skills required in most jobs.
  • MRA360 - Multi Rater Assessment: highly flexible online instrument that provides employers with a structured framework to identify the strengths and development needs of their employees.
  • E-Tray - Electronic In-basket: exercise consists of an electronic inbox simulation whereby the candidate is asked to read and respond to a series of email messages that appear in their inbox.
  • SJQ - Situational Judgement Questionnaire: comprise of a number of scenario-based questions that ask candidates to indicate how they would behave in specific work-related situations.